Should I max out my 401K? - use ira cash to invest in real estate
23 years into retirement, reached the maximum Roth IRA, cash reserves, no debt, no interest in real estate investments. I wear my business suit of 4%.
Should contribute more to play for my business, if possible, within the limit of $ 14,500 per year? Or should I invest in mutual funds? ETFs instead?
Sorry for posting this to try - to get as much information as possible.
The maximum amount for 2008 is $ 15,500.
The power of time and composition with, if you max out now! This leads to a secure retirement, and even early retirement! Yes, Max it out! His "future self" will thank you!
This is a very good question. Let's run in the 401k maximum contribution per year. This intelligent use of funds in the full game.
Make additional investments through the establishment of stocks per month. They protect their purchasing power of their money, and if wisely selected, the value of your portfolio more from S & P add each year. I prefer the savings tax on my 401K with my company because the stock can continue to grow if you do not buy, sell and often. Much depends on your liquidity and risk appetite.
They should be commended on their economies. And recently, after a lifetime of savings in retirement, could thus at an age where the majority do well in retirement. It is to do things as they are. Last year, more and more knowledge and confidence in how I maximize my farm, and I see you do the same discipline as their savings.
It was an article on CNBC today that said that 60% of Baby BoomersRS have 100K or less and a high percentage of those who was only 25K or less - have escaped in retirement. It is a terrible shape. Do not expect help from the government, and if you are prepared to think so, you're much better than their peers, and everything is in the Soc Security or Medicare will be available "sauce." All the best for you and those who are starting on their savings.
Maximum 401 (k). The more you save now happier in the future. A great 401 (k) account will give you a safety net - if you develop health problems and take early retirement will be very glad you saved the money now. Mutual funds and ETFs are very good. Make sure they are well diversified and lower costs. Buy and wait.
I vote for the 401k. All contributions are tax and social contributions are still uncertain do not think that a young person can save much for retirement deductible. more than 401k of investment funds offered as investment options, allowing you to drop this base.
Maximize your 401k ... without a doubt.
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